A Nearly 50 Finding my mojo...

My wonderful Mum with me and my little Sister...I'm the one on the right if you can't tell 😙

'20' days and counting...
Until my half a century birthday, And quite frankly I cannot 'adam and eve it'.  Inside I'm a 30 year old, without even a slight worry about age, I was always the person that said
"Age is simply a number, its how you feel inside!"
Well how the worm has turned, because my friends, I'm bloody well petrified,  As you all know my lovely Mum was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimers at 50 and understandably this has been playing heavy on my mind, But with a fabulous Hubby, Daughter and Sister I have been able to , not eradicate the thoughts, as they will be there no matter what I think or do, but in a way come to terms with my fate.

      Que Sera Sera - What will be will be ....in the words of the lovely Doris Day
I am also lucky to have a fabulous Doctor who pretty much, In a softly softly way, told me in no certain terms that I could get any disease, or illness at any time, we cant change our fate basically. So instead of thinking negatively, and those who know me, know this is so not typically me, I'm a glass half full kinda gal.  Think Positive.!
Now I realise I was also suffering the wonderful Menopause which heightened my fears through anxiety and depression. Well we soon put a big Stop to that little side effect, Thank the lord for HRT.

Not bad for Fifty,  yes I have the aches and pains, fears and worries but I'm feeling more positive. Its not a cliche, I really can say I'm living in the moment, enjoying every minute, every experience, not putting value on material objects, things.
 Value for me is Time,  time spent doing everything I want to do, with who I want to do it with. Experience those moments that are precious to you and believe me you will have them etched in your memory forever, promise.
 My biggest downfall is learning how to say 'no', which probably resinates with many of you i'm sure, But I'm working on it honest!
These are my wise nearly 50 year words, believe me before you know it you will be here, if your not already!
So my lovely lot, we are Here 14 days pre-50....And I know I have got lots of celebrating to do, really don't know what mind you, as my lovely Hubby and daughter have arranged surprises for me...yipeee! I've just got to turn up. Perfect!

So I will be keeping you all posted of my Birthday adventures, with Piccies and Tea of course.💋


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