My Life in a TeaCup

Turning 49 to me is a "365 days to 5 Oh" As you know I'm not looking forward to being 50, mainly because of my beautiful Mum, as I explained in my previous post she was diagnosed with /Early-onset_Alzheimer's_disease at 50, so Yes, it's a big deal for me!
That's the "Maybe" bit, then there's the wonderful Menopause, what a complete Joy!
NO it isn't , well not for me anyway, got to say it's really hard, and I am struggling with it, yes I joke about the Hot Flushes , how I would quite like to stand in a fridge most days, and have the urge to strip off when it would be a tad inappropriate, and maybe if that was it I could cope, easy right? Well no Nature decided to include the wonderful mood swings, that's the bit I struggle with.
Imagine going about your daily usual routine, then.....BANG!....
Your having a conversation and you simply SHOUT,SCREAM, SNAP, during this unusual behaviour imagine having an outer body experience and looking down on your , unrecognisable self,and thinking "What on earth is happening?"
Well there you have it that's exactly how it feels, welcome to the Menopause, and that's only two body changes.  So I've researched and spoken to people, but something I find really hard to understand is why we as a group are Not discussing it more, and supporting each other? Yes there are a few groups, but people seem to feel embarrassed, awkward talking about it, a bit like no one wants to discuss periods when we are young, why? We have moved forward with so many things and women have been having the Menopause forever right? But still no discussions. It does help honestly, simply to know that your friends are going through the same experiences, and when you are have a melt down your not the only one doing this.  More important is to talk to your family, who are living with this out of character person who's sudddenly become neurotic.  I could go on but don't want to scare the under 45's who may be approaching this lovely change .... maybe writing about it may help, let's talk talk talk it does work.

Something I'm learning whilst on my life journey is how important it is to be 'You' not a 'pretend' You.  Your Unique and yes you will make mistakes but those mistakes are what make you become the person you are today. 
Starting my Blog was quite scary, as I decided at the start to "lay myself bare " and talk about everything, to some it may seem slightly silly, as then your opening yourself up for criticism maybe, but for me at 49 it was important and a huge part as to why I started my blog. I want to share the real me, flaws and all!  Maybe even People closest will learn a bit about me?
Apart from being Funny, apparently!
And a massive Teapot... definitely can't stop my Tea addiction ,although I'm trying to explore the realms of herbal teas, so far quite enjoying Green Tea and Jasmine.
But at the end of the day it's gotta be good ole English (strong as you like) breakfast Tea.

I started writing this post in January, right at the very beginning, when i was feeling at my worst, I'm not embarrassed to admit I was really struggling, I spent most of New year in tears, and with a giant push from my Daughter, I nervously made a doctors appointment.  I suppose I was hoping for a miracle,   Well i'm sure ole 'Mr' upstairs was looking down on me and guiding me to take the plunge, so off we went, yes said daughter  escorted me to my GP, and this is where I think him upstairs came into play, I actually got an amazing doctor, who really knew her stuff.  I explained all of my fears, and worries about the HRT, and she told me that my fears were justified.  She then explained how we can try a small dose, and see how we go, she gave me choices, and actually listened. I explained my worries about turning 50, and worries about dementia.  She explained that research has shown that HrT can actually help memory, so after listening and contemplating, I decided to give this tiny pill a chance.  It seemed a no brainer really.

I was prescribed Femoston 10mg, so a small dose, for 2 weeks you take a tiny white pill which is the Oestradiol and then day 15 to 28 the tiny grey pill which is Dydrogesterone.
Well for the first two weeks, I'm not going to beat around the bush, I was totally ready to throw in the towel.. I was sick as a dog.... apparently you may get "Morning Sickness" how wonderful, I'd forgot how awful it was, I was totally 'inhuman' until about 2pm, then I had to look forward to the same again the following day, Tremendous! Not!, But once again Louise came to the rescue, and googled it, yes she did, and said it would only last a while, whilst my body was coming to terms with a dose of ......"Hello Mr Oestrogen, your back" And once again she was correct, it has subsided, and even though Im not that great at admitting I'm wrong, Yes now it's in black and white for Mr T to see.
Ive got to say these tiny white and grey pills are pretty amazing!, I'm slowly getting back to feeling like 'Me' again. I still get a few hot flushes in the night, and a tad tetchy, but I definitely think I'm going in the right direction.
If anyone is thinking, struggling with there menopausal symptoms, please talk, either to a friend, doctor, even me on social media, anyone, please don't suffer in silence, It isn't silly or unimportant, your mental health can suffer , YoU ARE IMPORTANT! so lets talk talk talk, Grab that Cuppa and a piece of cake because thats what I do best , together we can decide what action is the right one for you, you have options x💋
In the wise words of Pooh Bear....
Promise me your'll Always remember: Your braver than you believe,stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think !


  1. Ohhhh love, I am so sorry that you are suffering so badly with the gift that Mother Nature bestows on us..... I of course say that tongue in cheek lol. I am so pleased that you didnt just try to get through it, as so many women do. Why do we do that? Its like a self destruct thing we do. I havent yet hit menopause, but I know its inevitably coming. I have so many clients though that have, and struggle so although not helpful, you are certainly not alone. Its rubbish and unfair and anything we can do to help ourselves we should. Hope you continue in the right direction lovely lady xx

    1. Thank you Kerry for your kind words, and support ,you would think at my age I would know not to suffer in silence, I'm learning that I need to ask for help. And know that so many women suffer in silence too, it's actually quite sad. Maybe talking about it will help others.

  2. On a funny note, I would like to share this post on dainty teacups if ever you have an unwanted guest at home:


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